Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Look how much my children are growing. It's just too fast. T is already comparing his height to mine wanting to know how much longer until he is as tall as me. Probably not long enough. Time just goes by too quickly. T is really excited about starting Upward Basketball this month. It's our first venture into organized sports.

Taylor is determined to be opposite of T right now. He pretty much wants the exact opposite from T or they want the same and argue over it. He still has the deepest, booming, voice! But I think he's very cute too.

This little doll makes me feel like I'm reliving my childhood playing with dolls again. She is just so very cute. I never get tired of dressing her up in pink clothes and diapers. I'm alot more relaxed this time around. I guess having two ahead of her helped me to relax alot more. Anna loves to smile and coo at her brothers. I don't even think she needs the fancy toys. She has two brothers who love to entertain her! She is growing just too quickly.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I just run out of time to blog much. Sometimes it's all still so overwhelming.

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