Summer is rolling along at the K home! We have been busy. A new school year started up in June. We have taken it slow implementing a new, busier than ever schedule. I had to get much more disciplined and structured this year. Now that Abigail is settled in a routine (finally!). I wasn't sure that would ever happen. Even after 3 other children I don't have this baby thing down. My babies don't like to sleep all night for quite a while. I'm still getting up with Abigail. But, I try to enjoy those middle of the night nursing sessions. It will be over soon enough. She turns one in a few weeks.
So here is our annual picture at Chick-fil-A cow day. We have enjoyed doing this since the boys were little. They enjoy it so much and look forward to it. I'll dress like a cow and play along for them. I even got Big T in on it last year when I took a old dress shirt and painted it for him.
We had our first week break last week. It was nice, but I am ready to get back to school tomorrow. It's been nice to start early this year and have planned breaks in place so I can take a break without the guilt of "I should be doing school" lingering over my head.
Maybe sometime I can get back to blogging a little more often. It's a hard balance sometimes. There are so many good things to do. I am trying to choose the Best things that God has for me at this stage in my life. God is teaching me many things and I'm trying my best to learn my lessons. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I dreamed of so many things as a young girl. But, never this wonderful life. Yes, some days are hard. But, my heart is so full of love for my family. On my own I would have never chosen to stay at home, but with God's leading I see that it was best for me and my family. On my own, I would not have chosen to homeschool, but oh the blessings that God has given us through it. God has lead me to these choices for my life and I am so grateful. I am called to surrender my desires and life daily, but in that surrender is sweet blessings.
One recent lesson that he gave me that I shared on Facebook Proverbs 14:4 Where no children are the house is clean and there is rest, sleep. But, much increase comes from the strength of children.
This was the holy spirit speaking to me this morning version.Amy
I wish blogger had a like button :) Thanks for sharing :)
I found your blog through a comment you made recently on the HOD forum. I know this is an old entry, but I just read through this entry, and I love your interpretation of Proverbs 14:4! Thank you for sharing! I think I am going to write it down and read it daily.
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