Tuesday, November 20, 2007

One of those....Mondays

Yesterday was definately one of those Mondays. I think I must have jumped out of the wrong side of bed or something. While sitting down to pray and write in my journal yesterday I started off complaining about why I was so ill and then I felt prompted to turn my attitude into gratitude. I thought I would share my list of things I'm thankful for since it's THANKSgiving and all.

  1. First of all I'm thankful that God chose me and saved me. It's not through anything I've done but what God has done for me.
  2. I am so thankful for my husband. He is really the best husband ever!
  3. I am thankful for T.(aka Bougar) yep that's right, that's his nickname. He is my firstborn, my experiment. Even though he can frustrate me sometimes we have great times together. I love that he's old enough to play games with, to get into books. He definitely challenges me sometimes.
  4. Taylor, I love that he is still very innocent. He still has a very childish innocence to him. He still cuddles with me in the mornings.
  5. Thanksgiving with my family on Sunday night was better than ever. We enjoyed such a relaxed time and I loved watching my boys and niece have so much fun together.
  6. Nap time yesterday! It really helped to shake off most of the grumpies that I had.
  7. Our home, even though I would love for it to sale and get on with it. I love that we have a nice comfortable place to live. The boys have plenty of room to run in the house when necessary. My bathtub is also a wonderful place to soak away the grumpies.
  8. That Earth is not my final home. God doesn't care if I have flawless skin, a perfect body (which will never happen after two kids without a knife for me), stylish clothes and the perfect hair. God wants my heart to be for him. Having it all doesn't matter to God, unless you're talking the fruit of the spirit.
  9. My good friends. God has blessed me with some good friends and one especially great one!
  10. Homeschooling, even on days like yesterday, I'm still glad that we homeschool.
  11. The scriptures to comfort and guide me.
  12. The way God changes my focus and priorities.
  13. Fun times I've enjoyed with my family lately.
  14. My car, I love it. It's so reliable and I'm grateful for it.
  15. Cold weather which allows me to sip on something hot to stay warm and snuggle.
  16. The beautiful sunny day.
  17. The peaceful quiet right now.(well yesterday anyways)
  18. Being able to rest in my position as wife and leave decisions up to my husband and especially to God.
  19. That we have good leftovers for supper. (yesterday anyways)
  20. That we are all relatively healthy, minus the sniffles anyways.

I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving and remember to give Thanks to the Lord for he is good.


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