Friday, June 22, 2012

Preschool plans

For Preschool in our house I use Little Hands to Heaven.  I bought this many years ago.  It's a great, simple program.  It's great to give your little ones some special mom-attention.  I use the New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes and My ABC  Bible Verses with it.  I also use Playtime devotions for the littlest ones.  I love The Singing Bible CD's too.  Although I usually like to just turn these on during Anna's room time or playtime.  My boys learned alot about the Bible from these CD's when they were younger.  I have been doing this with Anna already so once we finish with it we will just start it all over again.  Anna will be 4 in September and Abigail will be 2 in August.  I also have a large stack of books I plan to read to both girls.

For Workbooks I am using this Cutting book for Anna.  She loves doing workbook pages.
This is a book I plan to use over 2 years doing fun Science experiments.
We are using this to learn some fun songs.
We are reading this book on Character lessons.  It looks like a family picture album with stories.  What a neat idea!

I also picked a few of the books off the Sonlight PreK list to read to Anna.  I am mostly just having to be more purposeful in reading to Anna.  Life can get so busy that I don't read to her as much.

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